Be Free Breathwork
BeFree Breathwork is a great starting point to become reacquainted with your authentic self by going within to find where your body may be holding past experiences which are shaping how to respond to your current life.
You will delve into your inner wisdom through the use of circular breathing with powerful music. Using a blindfold to go within you will start laying on a yoga mat or comfortable padding/ blanket/ pillow. During the journey find movement or stillness or both- follow what your body is asking for. The invitation is to get curious. Facilitation may include hands on support, energy work/ movement if desired. You are your best source for knowledge, so join me to tap into that information! There is no right experience: what shows up for you in the moment is perfection (even it turns out to be a restful nap)! Afterwards, there will be time to journal and reflect.
The only requirement is a willing heart.