About Aubrey Bliss

How to sum up a life lived thus far?

For all the Astrologers, Human Designers, so on and so forth I will start at the very beginning. I was born in Akron, Ohio USA at 1:56 am on July 28, 1984. Skipping forward to 2014, I enrolled at the Nutrition Therapy Institute where over the course of 15 months (the 1st 8 months of which I was pregnant) I became a Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner. This knowledge allowed me to begin teaching the nutrition portion at Equinox Center of Herbal Studies. In the summer of 2018 I was blessed to attend a workshop with ECoHS at the House of Aromatics in Boulder, Utah. 

There I had profound experiences connecting to pieces of me which had been quietly resting. These seeds of inspiration began to germinate leading me to trust in inspired action. Over the last few years I have been delving into myself; as well as, how I interact with this lovely planet we are all blessed to ride around on. My path has led me to dive deeply into myself with various practitioners, bring concepts of regenerative agriculture to my little piece of land, raise goats, take classes to expand my understanding of my role in this world while integrating the book knowledge I learned when earning my B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Loyola University Chicago in the early 2000's. 

By being open to random opportunities around me. I started using a float tank (sensory deprivation tank) at home, become certified in BeFree Breathwork, complete Reiki levels 1 and 2 while honing my ability to enter my personal sacred space in the Akashic Records. I responded to a "random" request in an online group by offering to read for another person over the phone. The experience was profound for both myself and the gracious lady who allowed me to enter her sacred space. I knew I had unearthed a talent.

Despite the work I had been putting in I found myself tapping out of life either through podcasts, audiobooks or going down rabbit holes of research. Stiving to do/ be the best: mother, wife, friend, family member, practitioner, facilitator, employee, neighbor, volunteer (you name it & I was trying to be the best at it 😉) was leaving me exhausted, disconnected and out of alignment. I knew how important the emotional body was, but I was stuck in a pattern all about suppressing emotions...ALL emotions! Even the "good" ones where too hard to manage. 

Being in an outward high functioning pattern left me depressed and overwhelmed inside. I found myself disconnecting from my kids by choosing to escape into yet another audiobook when my son look me in the eyes and said, 'You don't love me, see me or care if I am alive!' was another pivotal turning point. Tweens certainly are mirrors to their parents inner turmoil! His words were the repeated refrain I was trying to drown out in my own mind...

Vivation popped into my awareness and I knew the training was where I needed to be! I am excited to share this modality which has been refined over the last 40+ years while I continue to vive daily. Stripping away "extra" steps or the need to cloister myself away to practice feeling through an emotion to the other side of integration has been pivotal in my life. I find myself reaching for this skill, strengthening my viving muscles and usong with ease more each day.

With Joy!

Aubrey Bliss